Andrew was invited by a friend at church to go with him and his family to Austin to the Lego Kids Fest. It is Kellen's Birthday present from his parents and he had an extra ticket and wanted Andrew to go. Andrew is in Lego heaven this weekend. This is his first trip away from home not with family. Erin and Josh updated us regularly through text and Facebook and here are a few of pictures.

Anna did not feel left out at all. She has enjoyed being an only child this weekend. A few years ago, a teacher friend loaned me a book called the 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. I know that Andrew and I share the same one, words of affirmation and Alan and Anna share the same one as well, quality time. One of my closest friends (who is my preacher's wife) and I had plans to go shopping on historic York Street yesterday and have lunch. She said bring Anna along and of course, Anna is all girl and had the time of her life shopping and telling me what would look good on me. She has become my little fashion expert and has been since she was four years old. She has bounced around the house and been my little shadow and Friday, I found her in the kitchen, emptying the dish washer and wiping down the cabinets without being asked. Since she did such an amazing job on the kitchen, I told her I would buy her something on York Street. We went in an antique shop and she found a lady bug Happy Napper. I gave her a pillow pet for Christmas last year and after that she said that she needed a Happy Napper too. All I have heard about for 9 months is Happy Napper. I love a great deal and they had them marked down to $10. I was very happy to buy that for her.
Andrew is due to arrive home soon and I know I have missed Andrew and so has Anna, but she really enjoyed this extra special time with us and so have we.
This lady bug turns inside out into a house with a door bell..............then this house becomes the pillow.