As I look back at 2016 I can't help but think of one of my favorite Bible verses:
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14 NIV
I can't help but remember what God has done for my family the past year. There have been some challenges that God has either brought us through or is continuing to bring us through right now. There have been huge blessings for us as well. It is hard to look too long at the challenges without remembering so many blessings given to us this past year. While challenges (OK!, that is what I choose to call bad things!) are not pleasant, they are necessary in growing or becoming who God wants us to become for His glory. I am not saying God puts bad things in our path, but He does allow it at times.
This past year at Kenedy, Alan's basketball team went to the playoffs for the first time in 11 years! The girls really worked hard for the past three seasons and finally made it. Alan was named "Coach of the Year!" for the second time in three years for district 30 2A. The softball team also made the playoffs again! The UIL One Act Play also made it to Bi-District for the second year in a row. We loved and adored the students and Co-Workers at Kenedy and have missed them. Andrew and Anna made some close friends that they have kept in contact with.
While there were some challenges in Kenedy this past year, I kept looking forward toward the goal! In April, I interviewed for a middle school choir position in Weatherford ISD (a 6A public school feeder program). Never did I expect to get an interview much less, get the job for a 6A feeder school! Wow a dream come true! And Weatherford? My family loves Weatherford! It is what my children called home, after all, we lived there for five years (the longest Alan and I have lived in a place so far in our marriage). Our church that we felt so connected to and continued connections during our three years in Kenedy, is here. There were other job opportunities in Houston and Brownwood for Alan, they always fell through for me or those opportunities came too late. God's timing is perfect! Alan landed a job in nearby Millsap, a 3A High School. He loves the small town communities and Millsap is a perfect fit for Alan.
Andrew and Anna have both returned to their beloved Weatherford Christian School. We promised them fall of 2015, that if they could stick it out one more year, we would do everything we can to either get them back into a private christian school, or I would home school them. Another great thing! WCS has been so gracious to both Andrew and Anna. Anna has just blossomed and seems to have a God given talent for public speaking! Yes! I just said "public speaking!" That is another blog post. Andrew has been dealing with some health issues for sometime now. He has progressively become worse in the last several months. WCS has been working with us to keep him going while missing school, having multiple test done to determine what is going on with him. Please pray for Andrew's healing and us as well.
Two and half weeks after our return to Weatherford, our Worship minister resigned and I was given the awesome privilege of taking his spot. Wow! Another dream realized! While many think that is a stressful job in itself, I have found so much joy and take great delight in all it offers. God's timing IS perfect! He knows what he is doing and if I would remember to get out of his way, some things might go smoother and faster. Easier said than done sometimes.
I do not think looking back is a bad thing as long as we do not stay there and dwell. Looking back is a great reminder that God is in control and he is taking care of us. I say all of this as reminder to myself to look ahead and keep my eye on the ultimate goal!
Below are just a few highlights of our 2016. May God bless you and your family in the New Year!
We miss this back yard
Easter 2016
The Dreaded STAAR Test
Our new home
Last day of School 2016
Last trip to the beach
Moving Day
Goodbye Karnes City/Kenedy
Hello Weatherford!
Our favorite Drive in movies in Grandbury
Anna's first Church Camp trip
She is back!!!
First day of School 2016-2017
Playing Volleyball for WCS
Close enough to see my Grandparents again!
Andrew having a good day and good time trying to get me to quit working so late at school and take him home!!
Favorite pumpkin patch!
A lovely ER visit
Having a scope done and he is feeling great on the giggle juice!
Anna and I went to the Keith Lancaster Praise and Harmony Workshop in Burleson
Trunk or Treat at our Church! We are a true Star Wars family!
The Nutcracker!
Anna doing Christmas Crafts!
Christmas Eve Soup
Gingerbread house decorating
Anna reading the Night Before Christmas
My Dad reading the Christmas Story
Pop Corn, Hot Chocolate and the Polar Express
Christmas Dinner
American Girl Store and Bistro
Alan and Andrew working on the Millennium Falcon
It is finished!