Sunday, February 28, 2010

An Unexpected Moment

Anna will be four in April. She is very shy around most people and has a nurturing and kind heart. As I have said in a past post, she seems to have that teacher gene. This morning in church, we were sitting on the back row. This back row is against the wall. In the middle of the sermon she felt some need to stand up with her papers she received in Bible class and began teaching about the days of the weeks and how we should pray everyday. I motioned to her to be quiet so she continues quietly teaching using her papers and pointing to the wall behind her like she has something written on it. For the rest of the sermon she preached away (whispering of course) and even pointed out that we have to put money in the plate for God. When Andrew and all the other kids came back in from children's worship, she neatly put her papers down, and laid down and my lap and nearly fell asleep. I told her preaching can wear you out.

After lunch, she gets her papers out, brings a stool into the office, stands on it and starts teaching to Andrew and me. I noticed that she already has her mother's "Teacher look," and is very clear about what she is going to teach us, and how. Then teaches, and closes by telling us what she just taught us. How does a nearly 4 year old girl know how to set up a lesson plan? She either watches closely what her teachers do, or she just has a natural God given gift.

I will soon post about some of Andrew's new things.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Needing a sleeping companion

Last night Anna and I had Mother Daughter night and Andrew and Alan went out to eat and went to a basketball game. After Anna and I had played with each other's hair, watched the Little Mermaid, read books together, we went to bed. Anna then said, "Mommy, we need two babies. One girl so I can sleep with her and one boy so Andrew has someone." I said, "Really?" She said, "Yes!" I said, "Well you have Rachel when she comes over." Anna said, "I know, but she always has to go home."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Days

I have noticed that over the years I tend to miss all the really big snow falls where I live or was living. For instance, when Alan and I were first married, I heard about snow falls in the metroplex but not very many in Midland. We then moved to Fort Worth, Midland got hit with record snow fall. I am not going to continue to explain the whole ordeal with moving and missing the snow.

This year Weatherford got hit with a lot of snow at Christmas. We were in Tennessee with Mom and Dad. I am not complaining about that. We needed that trip. However, I leave for San Antonio Wednesday and I wake up to the news that Schools are closing in the Metroplex. So I text Alan to see if they are up and ready to leave. Alan calls me back and says they have cancelled school. My school went home at 10 AM and I got the call later that evening that school was cancelled for Friday. I am not even there to see the 8 inches of snow in our yard. We live on a hill and I asked Alan how the drive way looked. He said, " What drive way? I can't see the driveway." He later got out and attempted to shovel the drive way. He said to me, "I don't know how people in the north do this all the time."

I told Alan to take a lot of pictures so here they are. One picture of the ground is a snow angel Andrew made. On the title it says 12 inches of snow but it was 8. 12 inches is the actual snowfall we have gotten so far.

Monday, February 8, 2010

District Champions

Alan's basketball team are District Champions. They also competed in a basketball tournament over the weekend and got third place. His team had 12 wins and 4 losses and they were 8-0 in district.

A Future Teacher

I picked up Anna from school last Thursday, as I almost always do, and peeked in the door to see what she was doing. On this particular day, she was sitting a chair with a book in her hand facing the class like a teacher would do and was reading to the class. She had a few students listening, the rest were playing with toys. I opened the door and said, "Anna, are you reading a book to the class?" She smiled shyly and shook her head yes. Her teacher said to me " She does that almost everyday." Later that night she felt encouraged enough to come sit on my bed and asked if she could read two books to me. I said of course and she read two books. Now she puts the expression in her face, and her voice just like she is mimicking her teacher and reads the book by reading the pictures and really gets into telling some story about the pictures. We also went through the same ritual Friday night in the play room.

The 100th Day of School

Andrew's 100th day of school was last Wednesday February 3. They did all sorts of projects dealing with counting to 100.