Sunday, March 31, 2013

Concerts and Celebrities

On March 8, Alan and I had the opportunity to go to the Burning Lights Tour featuring Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe (two of my favorite worship leaders) and Loui Giglio.  We went with our Preacher and his wife, our youth minister and his wife and three shepherds and their wives from church.  We met and ate at Johnny Carinos (YUM!) and went to the concert in Grand Prarie.  It was an amazing night of worship.  Andrew and Anna stayed home with my in-laws.  They were here for Alan's uncle's wedding the next day. However, I think Anna was quite jealous that we went and saw Chris Tomlin and Kari Jobe without her.  She is a fan too. 

After the wedding, Andrew and Anna went to Midland to stay with the Weaver's for a few days.  I had my chemo port removed and the second part of my reconstruction surgery during spring break so it was perfect timing.  I tried to get off the pain pills quickly because I had a project for Easter Sunday to complete.  I was to arrange a Casting Crown song into four part Acapella.  I did not get to that until Sunday night.  I took Monday off to go for my post op visit and worked hard the rest of the day and every spare second of the week.

Last Monday I took my Junior High Varsity Treble choir to the Zonta Status of Women Luncheon to sing.  As we were warming up, a lady comes up to me and hugs me like we were old friends and told my choir how AMAZING they were.  She asked who I was and asked how old the ladies were.  She thought they were High School students.  She then said, "I am LaDonna Gatlin!"  I almost fell over.............and she continued to tell us that she was in choir her whole school career and was a three time all state member and her brothers never made it once.  I asked my ladies if they knew who the Gatlin Brothers were? A few raised their hands and she asked what the big name country band is today and explained they were like that back in the 70's and 80's.  She was so friendly, warm and made everyone feel like they were special and mattered.  She even reminded me that even if I feel insignificant in the lives of my students, she said that I am having more of an impact then I will ever know.  We traded email addresses and she asked me to keep in touch.  I have her book on my tablet and can't wait to read it after I am done with the Duck Dynasty book. :-)

Then on Friday the family went with the High School choir to Bass Hall to see Peter Pan.  Alan said, "It was OK"  He just does not get into musicals unless it is Fiddler on the Roof.  Andrew and Anna loved it.  Anna got an autographed poster and we stayed in line about 20 minutes to meet Cathy Rigby and have her personalize it and get pixie dust.  Anna thought that was too neat! Andrew did not care for a poster but he did want the DVD. 

In four days, I met two celebrities.  That never happens.  I have met other celebrities but not more than one at a time and not in the same year.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring is almost here

Andrew has started baseball again, Alan track season is in full swing, Anna is full of surprises and I am counting down to UIL Concert Sight Reading.

Each year WCS has an art show and judges to judge each students art work.  If they receive a blue superior ribbon, they advance to the ACSI art festival.  This year both Andrew and Anna did it!
Professor Plum from the old Clue Game

Anna's flower