Saturday, October 5, 2013

First Day of School

August 26 was our first day of school and the very first day that Alan, Andrew and Anna had ever been in a public school.  Alan went to Midland Christian his entire school life and has only taught in Christian Schools since.  Andrew and Anna both started at Weatherford Christian.  While this has been a challenging time for both kids, Alan is on cloud 9 and loves his new position.  It is nice to eat lunch with Anna once a week and have the opportunity to teach my own children but it is insightful to see what kind of students Andrew and Anna are.  Very quiet! 
 First Day of school picture......Anna was excited to put together her new outfit.
First Day of school treat!

Rock Port Beach

Sunday before Labor Day we decided to go to the beach.  We drove to Victoria to church, ate lunch at Red Lobster and headed south to Rock Port Beach.  We did not get to spend much time in the water because of so many jelly fish that day but we still had fun.  I enjoyed putting my feet in the sand and sitting in my chair relaxing and letting the sound of the waves and the smell of the beach take my stress away.  The kids built a sand city and Alan liked poking dead jelly fish with a plastic knife.