Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Our Last Trip to the Beach

We have really been fortunate to live close enough to the beach.  I have lost count how many trips we went to Mustang Island in the three years we lived in South Texas, but it has been fun.  We made one last trip to the beach before we moved North.  We also ate at our favorite restaurant for Dinner, Pier 99.  We have made so many memories in the Corpus Christi area and will cherish those times we had together as a family.  Anna and I will especially miss going to the beach often.  I think both of our dream houses would be on the beach.  Anna did get stung by a Jelly Fish while in the water and took a break from swimming but it was not long until she had to go back into the water.

Getting Settled

We have been in Weatherford a little over two weeks and we have been busy with many activities.  Anna and I had to take Alan and Andrew to the Funky Monkey.  Last year, my good friend Brenda brought us here and knew we had to share this with the rest of the family.  They make regular snow cones but they are known for their specialty snow cone with ice cream and whip cream.  

Our first Sunday back, I was already put back on the Praise Team and given a solo. I have also been rehearsing with our Praise Team for Peach Festival which is coming up Saturday.  I have also been to doing mandatory training for WISD.

Anna went to June camp at church not as a participant because she is too old now, but to be a helper.  She loves little kids and seems to love to help them and teach them.  She has also been going with her age group at church called Sycamore Climbers and loves it.  She is looking forward to spending some time with her best friend from WCS really soon.

Andrew and Alan have been busy with things around the house or other projects.  We have a meet and greet for Alan's teams in Millsap on Friday.  

We have been to the Library twice already and Andrew spent some time Friday with his pal Colton who also goes to WCS.

We have not been here that long, but it feels like we have been here at least a month now. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

On the Move Again

Three years ago we moved to South Texas and the last week in May, we made the decision to move back to Weatherford in North Texas.  I got my dream job at a 6A feeder middle school here and Alan will be coaching Softball and Basketball at Millsap.  We found a house in a newer neighborhood near Weatherford High.  Anna loves the fact that we have a two story.  Alan and I love the fact that we do not have to visit a bunch of different church's. Andrew just loves the fact that we are back in Weatherford and getting to return to WCS. 

As with any move, there is an adjustment period whether you are returning to a place or moving to a new place.  Alan and I have had our share of both while for our kids, this is their first time to move back to a place they know well. 

 Moving Day
 Andrew and Anna's solution to eating at the table when the chairs are on the truck.
 Ready to take off

 Here we are Weatherford