Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas in Kenedy

This year the Kenedy Elementary Choir got some exposure.  They were asked by the Kenedy Chamber of Commerce to sing at Christmas in Kenedy on December 5, 2015.  We were the build up to Santa coming to town and turning on all of the Christmas lights in the park. The Chamber of Commerce provided hot cocoa, cookie decorating, kettle corn and a train ride.  It was a really fun evening and all of the students seem to have fun.

Then the following Friday about 50 Fourth and Fifth Graders went to John Paul II nursing home and sang three songs in the dining room and then we caroled up and down the hallways to the residence who are confined to their rooms. Again our students were well behaved and enjoyed getting to give the gift of music to some of our community.

On December 17 was our final concert.  After weeks of rehearsing songs, how to stand, where their eyes should be, cutting off together etc., all students from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade were exceptional.  They came in orderly, kept their eyes on me, followed my cues and sang their hearts out.  I am so proud of all them.

What is next?  Students in third, fourth and fifth grade will try to solve the Mozart Murder Mystery.  This is one of my favorite lessons.  I even dress up as a mysterious character and I hand each student a note as they enter the room with no lights on and the Mozart requiem playing in the background.  It is quite a sight to see even those students who have a lot to say normally, completely quiet.

 Anna and one of her best friends.
 Anna with both of her besties
Anna and her Choir Director :-)

Monday, December 21, 2015

As I Went Down to the Ocean to Pray

November 2, Andrew and Anna decided they wanted to be baptized and wanted both their Grandad and their Dad to do it, but Anna had one condition.  She wanted to do it in the Ocean.  My parents came in for Thanksgiving and on Friday, November 27, 2015, we headed to our favorite spot, Mustang Island.  My Dad gave a brief sermon or charge to Andrew and Anna and took their confessions and then went into the COLD water. Afterwards we headed to Pier 99 for lunch and then headed back home. We gave Andrew and Anna each a new study bible.   It was quite a special day for our family.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fun at the Tobin Center

On November 1, we went to church, had lunch at Macaroni Grill and then headed to the Tobin Center for a family concert.  The symphony members were dressed in costumes and Andrew and Anna picked up some free things.  It was a fun day.

November 13 we went to watch Nacho Libre at the Tobin Center.  They have an outdoor jumbo screen with the river walk behind us.  It was a beautiful night and a lot of fun.

As Time Goes By

So much has happened since my last post.  I can't believe that July was my last post and it only feels like a month or two since I last posted. 

We went to Memphis in July and celebrated my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary (really in August) and had a great time catching up with my brother and his family and also taking in some the sights in Memphis that Alan and I always love to do.

School started up again and we are in our third year here at Kenedy.  Andrew is in 7th grade and Anna is in 4th grade.  Andrew started playing Football this year and he tackled a rather large kid who was about to make a touch down.  That was pretty exciting!  Now he is in basketball and he seems to like it too.  Andrew was also inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in September.

Anna has made a new friend and a new girl joined her class in October and Anna and Natalia took her under their wings and now they are the three musketeers...........or something like that.  Anna also enjoys writing stories, doing crafts, and shopping (Oh no!!! who did she get that from???). 

Claire, Anna and Natalia

Anna was Leo Lion of the week.

Anna's class learning to use their diaphragm by blowing bubbles with bubble gum.

Family Math Night at School

I took grades three, four and five (on separate days........I am not that crazy) to the Tobin performance center in October to see and hear the San Antonio Symphony.  The students actually enjoyed going and had a great time.

Alan is now busy with basketball season and the girls are finally starting play like  team.  We are planning a basketball party next week with them so this is something I am looking forward to.