Sunday, January 27, 2013

The New Year

I had a few more days off than Alan and the kids did.  While I had many tell me, "Wow! you will have the whole house to yourself and you can relax,"  That is not what I did.  I cleaned out closets, cabinets and got things in order that I did not get to do during the summer.  I also rearranged furniture in our bedroom and changed up some things in our bedroom.  All of that made me very happy!  I went back to school feeling accomplished, rested and most importantly..........Organized. 

WCS had spirit week last week.  One  of the the days was Duck Dynasty day.  My brother got us hooked on that show and now we are fans and go around quoting or imitating their accents.

Uncle Si and 80's Chick

Jase and Miss Kay

They had so much fun with this.  Right now I am about to go with HS to Solo and Ensemble contest on Saturday.  Andrew has baseball tryouts on Saturday.  He is also participating in Leadership Training for Christ through our church.  He will be putting together a PowerPoint devo and making a sculpture out of Lego's.  UIL Choir and Track is around the corner while basketball for Alan is still happening.  Anna is taking piano lessons and still loves to cook.  She just recently got a big girls bed and loves her new room.  Things seem back to normal.........except I sleep until 10 or 11 on Saturdays.  I still get wiped out easily.  Sometimes I just do not know when to quit.