Sunday, February 16, 2014

An All Stater at TMEA!

My first week of school at my new Junior High at Mineral Wells in 2008, I had 56 7th grade ladies in my Non Varsity Treble Choir.  I kept hearing a distinctive voice coming from the soprano section.  One that is usually not heard from a 7th grader.  I finally asked who's voice is it that I hear that is so beautiful and loud?  All the 7th graders turned around and pointed to Gabriella aka Gabby.  I turned to my assistant and said "There is our All Stater!"  I worked with Gabby five years, giving her support not only through coaching her, mentally preparing her and yes!, giving her spiritual support.  She is an incredible gifted young lady that loves the Lord.  She is never afraid to make the right decision even if it isn't the popular decision. She not only made All region twice in Junior High but went through the process in High School and even went to state in Solo and Ensemble every year.  One year she was awarded one of the top performers at State Solo and Ensemble.

Now fast forward to the Summer of 2013.  I was on the choir trip in New York City.  Alan had just interviewed for the Girls AD position at Kenedy.  I was in Time Square at the M&M Store when Alan called to tell me what the salary was and that he had been offered the job.  I remember thinking that I did not want to leave my church and certainly did not want to leave Gabby her Senior year.  Somehow I knew this was a job Alan could not pass up.

Even though we made the move, Gabby's mother kept me updated throughout the fall on her All State process.  So even being in South Texas, I still cheered her on, and prayed for her.  The final day came and I was on my way to Weatherford for a doctors appointment when Gabby's Mother texted me with the news that she had made the All State Mixed Choir and was third chair.  Of course that is a dream choir directors wish for and only a few can say they have had a student in the All State Choir.  A little bit later Gabby called to tell me thank you for all I had done for her throughout the years.  That is a memory that will stay with me for a lifetime.

When I arrived here on Wednesday, some circumstances happened that allowed me to step in to be her "Director" for a time.  I took her to lunch on Thursday and asked what her plans were for next year.  She told me that she is going to Howard Payne University to become a music minister.  I almost fell over...........I had seen that in her for a long time and to see her choose ministry over a performing career like so many others have tried to talk her into, was another proud moment for me.  I am so proud of Gabby.

I was able to secure three other tickets so that my family could come and be a part of this concert.  They all know Gabby and Anna especially adores Gabby.  Anna and Gabby have a lot of the same "silly" expressions.  So Anna frequently reminds me of Gabby.

As much as I HATE to cry in front of people, my emotions during the singing of the National Anthem and hearing Gabby hit that High C and the first song brought tears of joy to my eyes (Of course, Alan is giggling at me for it). Thinking of her as a seventh grader and arriving at that moment is a proud moments in my teaching career.