Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Fun

I won a weekend for two in Dallas at a dinner I went to that was put on by the travel company we used for the New York City trip.  So we sent the Kids to Midland and Alan and I stayed two nights in Dallas.  We had a free dinner at Dallas Fish Market, our bill was $103.  I am so glad it was covered.  We also had tickets to the 6th Floor museum.  Alan and I love history and we really enjoy learning more about the JFK Assination.  After lunch we went to the Dallas Museum of Art and then Medieval Times.  All of their food is gluten free except for the bread and the pastry.  They brought me an Italian Ice for dessert.  It was a nice get away and a great way to celebrate our 14th Wedding Anniversary for practically nothing.  I left for New York the following Wednesday and the kids came home to Alan on the same day.

The kids have gone to "It's a Kings Thing" at our church on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have gone swimming everyday, and gone to the library and even spent some times with friends.

Garage Sale!

A Trip to New York

I had the amazing opportunity to go to New York City with the Mineral Wells High School choir where I work.  We saw many things, Union Station, Empire State building, Macy's, Time Square (and I had a gluten free cheese cake from Juniors! YUM) Museum of Natural History, Central Park, West Side, Statue of Liberty, China Town, World Trade Center Site (New Yorkers do not like it called ground zero) Saint Paul's Church, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Intrepid Space Museum (where we had our first concert), The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine (our formal concert), Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Opera, Rockefeller Center, NBC Studios, Radio City Music Hall, FAO Schwarts, Trump Tower, and more.

Many people have asked me what my favorite thing in New York was.........I truly enjoyed everything except China Town.  I tell those who ask, I have a couple of  favorite moments.  My first favorite moment was when we were at our first Broadway show "Wicked," and I noticed the look on our students' was priceless.  Most of our students would not get an opportunity like this and just the fact that some were actually on this trip and experiencing everything we had made me tear up.  The other moment was when I was directing the High School choir at the largest Gothic cathedral church in the world.  The acoustics were amazing.  We performed the song Festival Gloria.  Very fast in places and very slow and majestic in other places.  The last page of the song crescendos to a fortissimo (very loud) and is fast and when they held the last note and ended, the sound of their last note continued for 7 seconds, the kids and I just stared at each other in astonishment and we even smiled and enjoyed that moment as long as we could.  The rest of the concert was great but nothing will top that song.

Lion's Pride Run

Andrew and Anna ran in the Lion's Pride run at Weatherford Christian School May 13.  Andrew ran 22 laps and Anna ran 16 laps. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Andrew is 8!

Seems impossible but the little 5lbs 10oz baby that was in such a hurry to get out and be born early, is now eight years old.  I remember he was feisty but did not like being separated from me.  He is still pretty much the same.  He is active, into everything, very curious how things work and wants to do everything himself and tryout things and still does not like to be separated from me too long. 

Like Anna, Andrew wanted to have a few friends over and have a small party.  He loves cars right now and had asked me to make him the CARS cake again, but I just didn't have the time to pull that off.  So he opted for a giant cookie cake.  Wow! that was the easiest creation I have ever made.  I wish I had tried that a lot sooner and it was a huge hit too!