Thursday, July 7, 2011

Trip South Day 4, 5........and So On!

I am not going to go into details as to why we are still in Alabama but I will say God decided our plans were not His.  We have helped Matthew and Andrea move into their really nice huge house.  Andrew and Anna have enjoyed getting acquainted with their new cousin Kate and playing with their cousin Rachel.  I have read, rehearsed and memorized songs for the Weatherford Peach Festival on Saturday if I am suppose to be back for that.  We have watched movies and I spend the mornings outside eating breakfast reading and listening to my MP3 player.  I have enjoyed holding my niece Kate and being with Rachel.

It is definitely a different culture than we are use to in Texas.  I have learned that some stereotypes are actually true about a place.  I just figured movies exaggerate things about places such as Alabama, and New York City but in some cases, they really do not exaggerate.

At some point we will go home......until then, we will just enjoy the laid back lifestyle of Alabama.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Trip South Day 3

On Saturday, we were shown the school where Matthew and Andrea work and Rachel goes to school.  They took us to Craze where you get a flavor of frozen yogart in a cup and put what ever toppings you would like.  We also saw the parsonage house that Andrea and Matthew are moving into and then went over to the Frifth's new house for a cook out.  Andrew enjoyed playing with Rachel and Kate's cousins Nicholas and Grant and Anna just adored Allison.
Alan and Kate wearing her OU shirt.....Alan is covering up the OU.

Rachel and Anna having a fashion show at the Frith's house

The four cousins!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Trip South Day 2

We drove down with the Johnson's to Panama City Beach for half a day.  This was Andrew and Anna's first time to any beach.  They loved every minute of it.  They stayed in the water forever catching the waves, laying in the shallow part to feel the sand leave their bodies under them, finding seashells and Anna and Rachel pretended to be mermaids.  There was a really nice outdoor shopping mall right there by the beach that we ate lunch at and the kids found souvenirs there as well. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Trip South Day 1

The past few years we make a summer trip to Memphis TN to see my parents.  My brother and family moved to Dothan, AL last summer so we extended our trip south to see them.  We left Weatherford about 8 am and got to Houston for lunch with Alan's Cousin and his wife at noon.  We then left there around 3:30 and got to Lake Charles to spend the night.  We ate sandwiches and the kids jumped in the pool with Alan and I went to work out in the exercise room at the hotel. 

We left the hotel at 5:30 AM the next morning and headed to Alabama.  We arrived at the Johnsons at 4.  That was a long drive.  Here is a recap of our day.