Sunday, August 26, 2012

Crazy Things I do When it is Chemo Day!

I apparently do not handle some of the meds the nurses give me very well.  The week that they tried to prevent me from getting sick, was probably the funniest.  Sadly, I am just told I what I did, I do not remember most of it.

The nurses and Alan have told me stories that are crazy.  My nurse asked me if someone is going to drive me home.  I told her that Alan would be back later.  She said good because we are going to make you drunk today.  I looked at her funny and just thought she kidding or being funny.  They gave me bags and bags of meds.  My nurse asked me about an hour later, "Are you drunk yet?"  I said to her, "I don't know! I have never been drunk before."  One of the meds given made me want to move around so much I could not sit still.  I was taking a chemo treatment at that moment that requires me to be as still as possible.  I stood up and started talking loudly and running in place trying to get all the energy out.  When that happened, the nurses called my doctor and she had them remove the anti nausea patch from my neck.  My nurse then said to me ( I remember this part) lets move you to the back corner because you will not get any sleep with that lady snoring.  Looking back now, I am sure that was her nice way of removing me because I kept talking and moving my head from left to right.  I am so glad there were no videos recording me.  I finally fell asleep but when I woke up, I had several text messages waiting.  I have learned especially since Thursday, Alan should take my phone from me on chemo days.  I do not make any sense and I make up new words when people are texting me.  It is funny because when I am  texting, it looks right to me but later when I am a little more alert, I see what I actually wrote.  It is just CRAZY. 

The night of that particular incident, I had praise team rehearsal for the Peach Festival that Saturday.  I was not sick at all so the meds helped.  But what happen during rehearsal was again, crazy.  I wore a head band in my hair and I do not know why.  We rehearsed in the foyer and Alan was running the sound.  My headband kept falling off my head and I got frustrated and threw it across the foyer.  At another point I decided to put my microphone down and go listen to the sound and walk around listening to everybody.  I am so glad that my team understood that I was not my real self and just went along with what I was doing.  By the next morning I became more alert and remembered bits and pieces of the day before.  I had a lot corrections to make in my texting and then Alan told me what I was like all day.

This past Thursday, was the first of 12 doses of Taxol.  Dr. Young decided to give me Adavan (anti nausea that can cause me to act crazy once again).  My mom ask one simple question in a text message and the first time I responded it was all crazy and I tried to correct a second time and it was worse the second time.  I did sleep a little and when I got home, I thought I felt fine and alert and could do anything.  After dinner, Alan and I were watching TV in our room and all of the sudden I decided it was time to make cupcakes.  Now usually I have to have a reason to make cupcakes.  I just don't randomly decide to make cupcakes.  Again, Alan really needs to stop me next time from cooking, baking, texting, emailing etc. I got all the ingredients out, bowls, mixer, and spatula.  I put a stick of butter in the microwave and melted it.  I put ingredients in, mixed it up and poured the batter very carefully into each cupcake liner, making sure it is nice and neat.  I put it in the oven, they bake, and I pull them out when the timer went off.  I then let them cool and later iced them.  I even splurged and ate one and put the rest up.  The next morning I wake up and go into the kitchen to make my tea and I open the microwave to find my bowl of melted butter still there and not in the cupcakes. Alan just laughs and says, they still taste good. 

All I can do is laugh at myself.  I am sure when I start teaching next week, there are going to be some funny moments and memories made.  It is good thing that I have a great co-teacher and great students.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Andrew and Anna's first day of school was August 16, 2012 and this year I was not sick (like last year).  I actually got to take them and walk them to their classrooms this year.  This is the first year I have been able to do this.  I enjoyed every minute of it.
It was Dad's first day too!  He wanted his picture taken and he wanted a first day of school treat just like the kids get.

While the kids were at school, I made them ( and Alan) cupcakes and sugar free cherry koolaid for their back to school treat that I do every year.  I enjoyed being a stay at home mom for two days. :-)

A Trip to Memphis with Gran and Grandad

On August 4 we met my parents in Texarkana and they took Andrew and Anna back to Memphis with them for a week.  Andrew and Anna were quite excited.  They could not sleep the night before and after we ate lunch, they could not get Gran and Grandad's car packed fast enough and get in the car forgetting to tell us bye.  We had to open the doors and get a hug and when Alan and I were getting ready to pull out, we kept waiting for our kids to look at us and wave but they were too busy.  I am not sure how I felt about that............I couldn't even get a wave goodbye.  We gave up and drove off.  We did skype with them several nights and they did not seem to get home sick.  They had a lot of fun in Memphis.  I asked them how church was and they said , "It is the same as Nana and Papa's Church in Midland,  you know, the same kind of songs." 

Alan and I enjoyed a quiet house, watching movies, resting and enjoyed being together.  I actually felt great that week and had the last of the first round of chemo drugs and did not get sick! Yes!!!!  We did drive to Texarkana the next Friday and I used points for a free night at La Quinta.  I figured it would be easier on me since I had a treatment on Thursday.  We ate a quick dinner at Chick-Fil-A and went to see the new Borne movie.  I need to see that again when I am a little more alert and not on anti nausea meds.  I stayed confused the entire movie.  Alan tried to "interpret" for me.  We spent most of Wednesday watching all three previous Borne movies to refresh my I said, I need to watch the new one again later.

The next day we met my parents and the kids at Jason's Deli to eat lunch and take the kids back home.  I did enjoy the week break but I was happy to see my kids again.

Before they left for Memphis, I told Andrew and Anna to cherish this time. I remember spending a week with my Grandparents at different times and those are memories that are precious and will not forget.  I told them they will always remember this.  They did make great memories!  They could not stop talking about the week with Gran and Grandad.